Committee of Management
Dunoon Preschool is a unique community preschool.
Being a community preschool means that we are a not-for-profit organisation run by you, the preschool families. Parents and carers form our committee of management - guiding the decisions of the preschool - and also, contribute to tasks like maintenance, fundraising, and sharing skills and knowledge with the children.
We truly value our connections with our preschool families and the sense of community this builds. What families and children get out of their involvement is a preschool that prioritises high staff to child ratios, fosters local community connections, develops a deep knowledge and understanding of each child, and offers a flexible, creative, holistic program in a beautiful nature-based environment.
Because we are a community preschool, we are able to tailor our program to the needs and interests of our children and their families in a way that is not possible in larger, commercial centres. Every year we look for new ways to make joining in and contributing to our community preschool easier. We look forward to working with you this year!
Dunoon Preschool Management Committee:
Parents from the preschool form the Committee of Management who, with the Director and Educators, guide the preschool.
​All are welcome to join the committee as general members and we encourage all parents to get involved.
Executive committee positions are elected each year, these include President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, and no previous experience is necessary.
​Meetings are held twice a term.
Separate to the committee we usually use our parent skills to help around the preschool to minimise external expenses... so if you have skills in areas such as: IT support - Handyperson-ing - Grant writing - Policy writing - Fundraising, please get in touch!